Sunday 6 September 2015

See Habits that causes yellow/stained teeth - read how to make it white natural remedy

I love pure white teeth and admire those who have it.Those who have discolored teeth are also loved but am sure they cant flaunt their smiles every where because it cannot be as bright as those with shinning white teeth no one wants to kiss that discolored yellow teeth of yours, even your partner hates it but just haven't told you yet.Many people get discolored teeth for so many reasons, It could be as a result of carelessness,lifestyle or food intake.

In this post we shall consider
  • What really decolor or causes yellow teeth
  • Habits that stains your teeth
  • Foods and beverages that causes yellow teeth
  • Ways to make your teeth white naturally
  • Finally, Foods that aids teeth whitening

 What really decolor/stains or causes yellow teeth

 So after brushing daily and flossing, why do i still have color teeth? Well some foods contain stubborn colored pigments that if not quickly washed will stick to your cavity for quite a long time.They contain chromogens which increases the further strengthens the stains just like normal bleach.Chromogen action is further boosted when foods that are acidic are consumed , this further causes bleaching of your enamels thereby leading to yellow teeth or stain.

Habits that stains your teeth

We have mentioned why it is bad to chew tobacco several times on this blog. Stained teeth is another effect of chewing tobacco and smoking. While smokers are liable to die young, they are also liable to very brown teeth. Apart from this,Your teeth also  get stained when you form the habit if brushing late after meals, this gives chance for deeper penetration of chromogens into your enamel there by staining your teeth before you get the chance of washing it with a flouride.

Foods and Beverages that stains you teeth

Coke,black coffee,soda,Tea,Wine
Some of this drinks contains tannins which inhibits chromogens that stains the teeth so when you drink them don't let your teeth lie too long inside it.Some of them also has increased acid  levels beyond normal which causes wearing of the enamel. It is therefore advisable to rinse your mouth with water after taking this beverages in order to avoid any stain at all.Also it is advisable to use straw to avoid full contact with your teeth. This just serves has preventive measure.

Taking this foods especially raw will cause serious stains to your teeth.The balsamic vinegar used in salad also induce a dark coloration to the teeth. Taking very brightly colored vegetables and fruits like almond causes stain of your teeth if not properly consumed or washed of immediately/.

Natural remedies/food for a white teeth

We hope you noted two important tips for white teeth mentioned above . For a white teeth , you should rinse your mouth with what when you take some drinks and beverages,Avoid brushing late too.
Other Natural Remedies for a white teeth
  • Clean your teeth regularly with baking soda and lemon juice see directions
  • Coconut oil rinse formular see directions
  • Apply banana peel to your teeth
  • Mix your colgate toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide while brushing

So we hope you have grabbed some teeth whitening tips from this post
kindly share with friends with buttons below

image credit : pixabay

1 comment:

  1. There are foods and unhealthy habits which causes staining of your teeth. Therefore, it is important to maintain a good oral routine and have regular dental visits to ensure complete oral care. There are dental clinics in India which provide affordable dental treatments.
