Monday 10 August 2015

10 Foods that will make you grow extremmely Fat within 10 good days

Disclaimer , After practicing the contents written in this post, You will grow extremely Fat , I mean gain good weight withing 10days of actively working with the recommend foods posted below. Meanwhile It is a defect to be obese hence we recommend moderacy in everything you do. How ever if it eventually affects you and you found out that you are get obese. You can check our post on Getting extremely tinny with natural foods.

Health expert have research ed and concluded on the following food item consumption that will make you gain flesh with a very short period. They are very expensive recipes ,which means if you want to gain enough weight then you have to spend good money on yourself.We don't know the actual proportion that will work for you. But  Just combine the foods throughout the day and sleep well.

 During the period of the 10days of starting this new diet. You should stuff in enough ice creams and hamburgers into your refrigerators as much as possible. But Pls note that ice cream is usually regarded as bad fat method of gaining weight by many health researchers because they pose risk of diseases and they induce high level of cholesterol.

Eating walnuts is a safer way to gain wight as it is being regarded as a mono saturated fat i.e you cannot be prone to any health  heart diseases. Taking a cup of wallnut drink daily will supply you 100g of Omega 3 fat and other nutrients like molybdenum

Red Meat

It is either of pork , beef or lam meat. They are regarded as highly poly saturated fat suppliers. Make sure you eat your chickens without pealing of the skin.Make sure they are cooked with high olive oils and nicely fried while taking them withing this period taking red meat you must to do things with ,moderacy, do not contain more than 200g daily to avoid risk of heart diseases

They are directly derived from whole milk , so they are known to contain high proportion of fatty that will increase your body weight with 10days of taking it.

You are probably hearing it the umpteenth time that chocolate is the fastest source of fat for your body. So make sure you plan your meal within this 10days with at least a cup of chilled godiva chocolate

Eaten a lot of avocado will surely make you fat withing few days of taking it. It is incredibly a nutritious fruit which has about 160 calori value and 20grams of protein. Apart from that , avocado is loaded with plenty of fibres Which helps to build up strong tissues and tendons in the body.They can be regarded as healthy fat suppliers because of their low cholesterol level.

Do you know that regular intake of those crunchy salty cracker snacks , they contain lots of sugar and protein which will spark up fat in your body system withing a few days of taking chips most especially. You can take high fat kettle crisp of chips and crackers daily to improve your fat diet for the next 10days.

Apart from taking the food combinations listed above , you will have to quit some stuffs like keeping late nights, doing stressful exercises and workouts that will burn your calories. Sleep a lot as if you are on holiday. So one can say this practise can be best done during your holidays and summers when you probably don't want people to recognise your Old stature when you are back.

Lets know what you think in the comment boz

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