Saturday 5 September 2015

How to stop bad breath(Halitosis) completely - Working treatment inside

We all know what bad breath is, and the embarrassment it causes. Many people have lost their relationships due to this. Many are finding it hard to speak comfortably due to this disorder.A lot of  individuals have stopped smiling due to their stinking smell.  You might not take bad breath as a serious disorder but it really is , and it is termed halitosis in medicine. In this post we shall consider
  • Those things that leads to halitosis(did you know that mints makes it even worse?)
  • How to know if you have halitosis
  • Treatments in children and adults
  • Cleaning your tongue effectively to fight bad breath

What causes bad breath

The root causes of bad breath is the development of some bacterium in  side your mouth. This bacterias feed and excrete right inside your gum and release sulfuric gases which is pungent outside.When this bacteria multiplies , they cause mouth and tooth decay which causes some really disgusting smell in your saliva.Certain medical conditions of damaged liver may also result into halitosis.Gum diseases also causes it due to cavities and holes in teeth which harbors bacteria.You may have bad breadth if your mouth is short of saliva, this disorder is called xerostomia

You may develop halitosis if you do the following:

  • If you Smoke tobacco and its product,cigar.
  • If you don't like eating breakfast
  • Eating raw foods like onion and garlic
  • Eating sugary foods and chocolate without flossing.
  • Irregular brushing and flossing.

How to know if you have this condition of bad breath

The surest way to know your breath is bad is to actually have people tell you. But if you don't want to take the risk.You can isolate your saliva and smell it . This can be done by inserting a small plastic spoon in your mouth ,remove it ,allow some minutes and smell it back. If it smells so bad , then you yourself should conclude that you have it.

Best Practices to Fight Bad breath

Common Misconceptions
A worse method of fighting bad breath is by taking mints. This is what people feel is their messiah when bad breath troubles their pretty smile. But by doing this, you are only masking the smell, so what happens when the mask is off? By taking mints you also building up sugar in your cavities and the sole action of chewing mints and sweets makes things was later on

To stop bad breath , do the following:

Good brushing and flossing habit
To fight bad breath completely you must develop a good flossing and brushing habit in order to improve your poor oral hygiene.The ideal brushing habit should be at least twice a day or after every meal. This should effectively remove any stain or bacterias that may want to reside in your mouth.Remember that while brushing , you should fix a particular attention to cleaning your tongue and you should use a fluoride toothpaste while brushing. Brushing alone is not a complete cure to halitosis or bad breadth,you should also include flossing in your quest for a good breath.

Mouth wash and Water intake 
 Develop a good habit of replenishing your saliva by watching your mouth regularly with an antiseptic mouthwash and peroxide. By doing this, you are gradually replacing bad saliva with good ones. By rinsing your mouth with peroxide(not consuming it), you will also reduces the chances of survival of bacteria in your mouth.Also ensure you take a lot of water regularly to fight dry mouth, staying hydrated every time, will reduce bacteria activities in your mouth

Stop taking some foods
Stop taking those strong tasty food like onions , garlic,onions . When you eat them raw their smell only is enough to keep people away from you. When you eat chocolates, don't allow the residue to stay too long before you wash off. Stop chewing tobacco and taking alcohol, they are principal causes of bad breath in many people. When you take mint to kill bad breath , take it with caution because you are consuming more sugar.

See your dentist
No matter what we list here,physically seeing your dentist is a best option. Let your dentist examine you and your breath to prescribe the right medication.

Thanks for reading till the end , we hope you have gained on e or two things, 

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