Monday 10 August 2015

5 Natural Ways to reduce hair loss and grow a bald Hair

What Is Hairloss or Alopecia

Hair loss is a grave disorder of head or body known as alopecia. At early stages of Hair loss disorder, the hair gradually starts to become tin. Forming short patches on the scalps of the head.This will also gradually form a space of virgin scalps with no hair by the sides of the hair.In ladies hair losses are usually conspicuous at the highest point of the head and majorly surfaces after menopause.
Hair loss patient are also prone to coronary diseases and they are endangered by Sun burn and other environmental defects.

Symptoms of Hair Loss/ Alopecia

Many people do not see hair loss as a defect , some regard it as hereditary , a trait transferred to them by their parents.. Yes this may be true, but however can be controlled at the early stages of life. Here are some frequently observed symptoms of an Alopecia disorder.

  • The only identifiable symptoms are unreplacing lost hair.: It has been observed that humans have up to 200,00- strands of hair of which about 100 is being lost daily. However, For a patient of Alopecia, the number of hair been lost is not equal to the number of hairs replaced.
  • Cancer thermography: It is also induced in cancer patients under chermography

Causes of Hairloss

  • Nutrition : Many would still wonder how their food intake can cause hair loss for them. But you should realise that deficiency in the taking of certain nutrients may include hairloss. For example for effective hair growth, your skin leads hair nutrients like , zinc, protein nad biotin.
  • Fungal Infections : Your lack of stable hair growth may be caused by fungals present in your hair especially demodex which prevents essential nutrients from reaching the hair.
  • Homones: Some homones like testosterone , the dihydro testes family controls facial ,head and privates hair, and it can affect the hairs located in the hair if present in small quantity.This homone also prevent hairs from maturing into string hair in the head.
  • Drugs: Adverse effects from drugs meant for another disease may actually result in hair loss in a large quantity.Drugs meant to cure kidney disorders , heart diseases or blood pressure ,ay pose adverse effect in the form of hairloss.

How to reduce hairloss and grow a bald hair?

Eat Healthy 

The major nutrient need for hair growth is protein in form of keratin. Hence it is therefor recommended to eat more proteinous foods if you are experiencing alopecia .Ensure you include your dietary with foods like egg,meat,cheese and yogurt

Proper Care of the Hair.

Taking good care and maintaining your hair is paramount to improving your hair growth.Use natural oils like Olive to wash your hair daily. Avoid rough handling and compulsive pulling of your hair . Reduce use of Chemicals for treating your hairs, they will continue to make your hair thinner until it falls off.
Hair a massage expert

Applying some little pressure to your hair via massage is a good way of improving your hair growth . This will ensure penetration of all oils applied during treatment. .

Tie it Up

 Avoid sleeping with your air loosely spread around the pillow while sleeping at night. Ensure you tie up your hair before going to bed to reduce draw impact of pillow and bed materials

Surgery : 
Hair transplantation is practically possible and can also be regarded as a solution to hair loss

Recommended Drugs / Hair Growth Supplements

 Minoxidil  : It is the prescription approved for the treating of Alopecia
Finasteride : It usually comes in form of a pill and it is not recommended to pregnant women. Withing 5weeks of usage you will start to see improvements and notice that your air is retained more

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