Wednesday 26 August 2015

Coconut Water Nutrients and Why Pregnant It is recommended for pregnant Women

Coconut water as the name implies is the water or the sweet juicy liquid found inside the coconut fruit when divided transversely.It can only be found when the coconut fruit is still young and tender age,because it serves as a source to the endosperm of the fruit which later develops to the white fleshy when the fruit becomes fully ripe or it spends too much time inside the coconut it may disappear.

Due to its high nutrient, it is recommended for very many kinds of illness, ranging from hangovers, kidney stones,blood pressure,heart disorder,and energy drink.It is commonly regarded as nature's sport drink because it hydrates the body.

Basic Nutrients Found in Coconut Water
It is known to contain food variable food nutrients,like fat,carbohydrates,calories and electrolyte.It has also been researched to contain 1-7% of trace elements such as sodium,chlorides,protaein in moderate amount, potassium and magnesium.

The fats contained in coconut water is unsaturated therefore it is better than some sugary drinks  and it contains less sugars for it to cause any harm.Many athletes endorse drinking coconut drink for refreshment and strength due to its richness in sodium and potassium.It reduces nausea and stomach disorder throughout the day

General Health Benefits of coconut

  • It has already be mentioned that it gives refreshment especially if you are an athlete.They keep the body hydrated and helps to fight thirst
  • Coconut contains cytokinins which aids in growth of body cells and significantly help to fight ageing .
  • Coconut can also be used for Oral rehydration Therapy, recommended by WHO to replace fluid loss during diarrhea crisis,this is due to the nutrients of amino acids which it contains.
  • It also helps to fight serious ailments like high blood pressure and heart disorder since it is a great source of manganese,calcium,vitamin C and they are very beneficial to pregnant women.

Why is Coconut Water Recommended to Pregnant Women.

After considering all the above facts and nutrients contained in thecoconut water , It is now pertinent to consider the nutrient  which it gives to pregnant women which is the main essence of this article.

  • Pregnant women need strength to carry out their daily tasks without tiredness.They therefore need to be hydrated throughput the day. Due to its saline content , it helps to replace salt in the body and to avoid exhaustion for pregnant women.
  • It is cholesterol free when served as beverage for pregnant women.It also moderates the level of High-density lipoprotein in the body which aids healhy cardiovascular system.This is essential for all pregnant women.
  • Coconut oil contains saturated amount of fatty acid and lauric acid which serves as antibodies for bacterial and viral infections need by all pregnant women.The immune system is also strengthened from other diseases when a good amount of coconut water is consumed.
  • Coconut oil is also used for a host of other treatments such as heart burn,Urinary tract infection and weight loss
It is therefore recommended that pregnant women should take fresh coconut oil  of adequate amount but not to be abused.

 Pls Share the knowledge with your friends and family

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